Żywiec – Chce się Ż

Żywiec is a legend of Polish beer. It tastes good and is a safe choice in any situation. This, however, is not enough to maintain icon status.

Żywiec wants to regain the market position that its deserves, but for this to happen, it must transform the way consumers think of it – from “This is a beer that I like”, to “This is my beer”. That, in turn, requires an idea that will move people’s hearts and cause… that they will want the Ż!

“I want Ż” (in Polish: “Chcę się Ż”) is the essence of the appetite for life, and Żywiec is the first beer brand which dared to show itself outside the context of hops, barley, and the brewing tradition.

For the first time in a long time, we show a brand that accompanies its consumers. It doesn’t show “how to live”, but rather participates in life and in all of its aspects: the good, and the bad. Whatever happens, enjoy life and take from it as much as possible. Because that is Żywiec – you always want more!